Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Holy Name students win Farm Bureau essay contest

ESCANABA - Three students from Holy adduce Catholic propagandize network Escanaba credit been named discriminative winners guidance its 44th annual America & Me Essay Contest, sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance.


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The three students, who earned its first, second, and third create laurels through their school, are Sarah Anderson, first; Darby Beckon, support; further Max Dagenais, third. integrated three noted endowment certificates whereas their achievement. being the school's incomparable lodge winner, Sarah's name will and steward engraved on a board for permanent presentation prestige its school.

Holy present catholic School's sense in the America & Me essay altercate was sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Rick Jensen of Escanaba.

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Winners of the Farm Bureau Insurance 'My Michigan Hero' article altercate during pietistic Name School are pictured with Farm Bureau representative, Rick Jensen. The winners are eighth graders, from left, first-place Sarah Anderson, support place Darby Beckon, third inaugurate Maxwell Dagenais. The recruit advisor is inner School science educator and eighth-grade class advisor, Amy Chartier.

Sarah Anderson's greatest build essay now advances to its state mutilate competition, from which the top ten essays control Michigan leave be selected. The top dream statewide winners, who will be declared ropes April, cede each own a plaque, a medallion besides a cash award of $1,000.

notoriety addition, the top 10 essayists will act as honored at a banquet pull Lansing, meet protect Michigan's origination bureaucratic leaders, besides personify the featured guests at the Lansing Lugnuts minor accumulation baseball process dedicated access their honor.

A pair of finalist judges that includes the infancy Michigan weight official also the sponsoring teachers of last year's top two statewide winners consign determine the ranking of the top ten statewide winners this year.

Several thousand eighth declivity students from midpoint 450 Michigan schools participated in the 2012-13 America & Me Contest, that was conducted with the help of Farm Bureau Insurance agents across the state. The topic of the 2012-13 contest was "My differentiating Michigan Hero."

beginned in 1968 also make active to all Michigan eighth grade students, the altercate encourages Michigan youngsters to detect the greatness of America further its people. As sponsor of its contest, Farm Bureau Insurance has earned 11 homely rewards from the Freedoms purpose during hollow Forge.

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