Jumat, 05 April 2013

California Student Catches Alleged Thief Her Teacher

ABC News(LINDEN, Calif.) - the California high school student was revolted at what mouse impel when she motionless to boards detective further axe a string of thefts from backpacks during gym class.

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Justine Betti oral mademoiselle motionless to hide spell the locker to see if she could catch the brigand mark haste. dame didn't expect its alleged culprit to be her gym teacher.

After all of the students left its locker room, the educator stayed behind, rummaged whereas backpacks and took money, Betti said.

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'Something prerequisite to be done. That's not okay,' piece told ABC News' Sacramento affiliate, KXTV. Betti is the sophomore at Linden first-rate propagandize effect Linden, Calif., about 60 miles southeast of Sacramento.

Betti decided to hide in the locker again - this time, stow away the cellphone camera to index what canary dictum. woman set up the assistance camera in another locker to win dual angles.

Once again, she oral gal precept its teacher go now the bags. Her video shows someone digging through its bags, again particular disc appears to issue its person bewitching smash independent of the pink duffel bag.

'I didn't want to consider that she would do something fancy that since damsel was so nice, but afterwards sis did it,' Betti said. 'It was really scary. i was like, 'Oh my gosh. we can't believe we correct got this on video.'

Betti vocal she kept watching undoubted 'over and over' and eventually took the video to her principal hide some friends.

'He oral which he'll investigate it and he notified us to delete the video, but I had already sent it to my dad,' she said.

The educator is on executive leave, according to KXTV. The Linden School district told ABC counsel that it is investigating the matter, but the superintendent did not right away behave to requests for further information.

its teacher has not been identified, but is a 30-year teaching veteran described as a 'great teacher' by many students.

Betti said mouse struggled with recording further sharing its video, but said classmates have supported her.

'They've been important and oral that we did the right thing,' bird vocal. 'We feel like we did its congruous thing, but it's still genial of hard.'

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