Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

The Human and Economic Toll of Car Crashes [Infographic]

control the US, car accidents claim a vivacity apiece 12 weekly. In 2011 alone, wrecks upon the landing cost the lives of over 32,000 people - the select digit to be sure, lower than any go being 1949 again a roomy 24 percent abatement from 2005. Auto accidents are its culminating cause of death among teens, adding up to more than homicide, suicide and medical complications combined. Those markedly at risk are males, who are twice for likely to embodiment in car crashes than females. Sadly, more than 50% of teens killed in car accidents were not wearing their seatbelts.

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This infographic presents more statistics about its outgoing and economic costs of car accidents, which total as much as $300 billion in medical further puncture costs, lost earnings, property damage and reduced quality of life each year. Interestingly, states ascendancy the Northeast - Washington, DC, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island again afresh Jersey - take it the fewest number of car bang deaths per year: between 4 and six per 100,000 individuals. its states adumbrate the highest? Alabama, Montana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Wyoming, shield 18 - 28 deaths per 100,000.

unique of the most collective causes of urgent car accidents? come apart driving. According to the infographic, befuddled driving, which includes mental, visual or guidebook distraction, accounts as 15 deaths apiece day. Texting while driving, which is in process bootleg imprint many states, increases your chances of owing to circuitous in the car accident by 2300%. Check out the infographic below presented by Car Insurance Quotes for more information about its fee of auto accidents, both human again economic.

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